
Giovane Fotografia Italiana – “Ropes/Corde”

Il prossimo fine settimana, 8-9 giugno, è l’ultimo per poter visitare Fotografia Europea e dunque anche la mostra dei vincitori di Giovane Fotografia Italiana.
Una breve intervista con i curatori della mostra, Daniele De Luigi e Ilaria Campioli, ci aiuta a capire meglio intenzioni e obiettivi del progetto.

Paolo Pellegrin – Borders of humanity

Una mostra, pensata da Paolo Pellegrin appositamente per Pistoia, che si compone di una sessantina di immagini che si concentrano sulla difficoltà di convivenza, sui conflitti, sull’incapacità di alcune parti del mondo di trovare la pace.

Massimo Sestini – “Mediterraneum”

The exhibition Mediterraneum – The right to hope, shots from the sea, opened on 12 February at the Mandela Forum in Florence. The exhibition gathers 14 of the photographs taken by Massimo Sestini during the days spent on board the Bergamini Frigate.

Vivian Maier. Street photographer – A mystery in the mirror

A representative selection of over 120 images, in black and white and in colour that retraces the various aspects of the endless production by Vivian Maier, revealing the most intimate implications of a photographer, unknown up to 10 years ago, who today is a famous and beloved author.

David McEnery – Humour, please!

The taste of the paradox, the sense of irony, the ability to grasp the unintentionally ridiculous situations of everyday life: the inimitable English humor, which invites a smile with a slight detachment, almost as if the absurd were part of normalcy. The English photographer David McEnery (1936-2002) has interpreted this spirit in a wonderful way, with a special grace: his photographs are masterpieces of irony, often of comedy. Some small gags for images.

Letizia Battaglia. A life for photography

Until March 15th, the Granaries of Villa Mimbelli will host a retrospective dedicated to Letizia Battaglia. We interviewed the curator of the exhibition, Serafino Fasulo and we even managed to obtain a brief, precious exchange with Letizia Battaglia.

Arte Fiera 2019 ǀ Photography in progress

Arte Fiera (Bologna) is an annual event you cannot miss. In this new edition, we notice some great change that impressed us. The Renovation passed from the aesthetic point of view and both from the proposals made by the galleries.

Masahisa Fukase – “Private scenes”

Curated by the Foam Museum in Amsterdam, where it was presented in 2018, the exhibition is the first major European retrospective in collaboration with Tomo Kosuga, director of the Masahisa Fukase Archives in Tokyo.

Steve McCurry – “Animals”

Stories of men which meet stories of animals, narrated by a brilliant poet of contemporary photography: Steve McCurry. “Animals” is the project with which the Museum of Cultures in Milan inaugurates MUDEC PHOTO, the new space dedicated to author photography.