
Bernard Plossu – Travel dust

A great traveler, Plossu has photographed and lived in various parts of the world, but the desert is one of the recurring themes in his work. His emphatic gaze rests on landscapes, things and people, following with a spontaneous approach and without hierarchies, the unstable rhythm of life and the pace of the journey.

The adventure of thought and gaze

Photography as a device capable of activating a thought, through which re-reading the landscape and the territory: from the seminal approach of Luigi Ghirri to Andrea Abati’s work and the more recent project “Around the Walk”.

Franco Vaccari – The journey as an exhibition

The artist subverts the usual relationship between photography and travel to create a completely new, anti-tourist, and anti-spectacular product and places the very act of traveling at the center of his reflection. The focus is on the journey, not the destination, in a deconstruction of traditional forms of representation.

Natalino Russo – Italy is a path

According to the author, “the only way to photograph and observe the world is to walk”. And by walking, along ancient and modern mountain paths, he has written a book – not a travel guide, but one that contains a philosophy of life. Here we also show the photos that marked his travel when creating the book.

Postcards, a journey through history

Back to the origins of the postcard, which changed travel-related communication. A real publishing success that intertwined its destiny with photography, a beloved medium to which globetrotters entrusted their messages and thoughts, nowadays mainly a collector’s item.

The Mediterranean seen by photographers and travellers

Cradle of myths and history, the Mediterranean has been a favourite travel destination since the early years of photography. The blooming industry understood the travellers’ need for exoticism and visible testimony and the photographers, not without difficulties, illustrated every corner of the world. Leaving behind a priceless heritage.

Stefano De Luigi – Pornoland. Hardcore cinema exposed

A journey through the sets of pornographic movies, behind the scenes of a parallel world that reveals itself in its paradoxical, everyday life. De Luigi moves on the edge of cinematographic representation, unveiling the complicated reality of the staging and dwelling on unusual personal aspects of the protagonists.

Jeff Bridges behind the lens. Panoramics from the set

The actor, an established photographer, tells us how a lifelong passion for photography was born, which allowed him to capture, in an original way, moments of life on set. A surprising black and white visual album, which offers a spontaneous vision of the “behind the scenes” in countless films.

Photography according to Hitchcock

Forty years after the death of the master of suspense director, an exhibition traces his career through set and backstage photographs taken at Universal Pictures films. One of which, a timeless masterpiece, has as its protagonist not only crime, but also photography.