
Anton Corbijn – The icon maker

Photographer, director and videomaker, the Dutch author is the creator of the artistic image of some of the most famous rock stars. Few have “escaped” his lens, which has been able to capture the essence of each character with sensitivity.

Joan Fontcuberta – Gossan: Mars Mission

The new, visionary project by the Spanish artist for the future theme park in the region of Riotinto, in South-Western Spain, where the landscape is so similar to the one of the red planet and science fiction becomes reality.

Romano Cagnoni – The essence of history

A great reporter of the main events of the last 50 years, following an idea of total photography: “the one that tells the story of man, the relationship with himself, with others and the society in which he lives”.

Mathieu Asselin – “Monsanto: a photographic investigation”

The most effective story about this long history of social injustices and gruelling environmental struggles is the investigation by the Franco-Venezuelan photojournalist Mathieu Asselin with his Monsanto project. A photo investigation, tells the story of Monsanto that, from the beginning, has been known for the little transparency of its conduct, controversies with scientists and public opinion, investigations, cover-ups and scandals.