
Carmelo Bongiorno – “Tagli”

In the Sicilian photographer’s latest work, collected in a book and displayed in an exhibition, the images tell us about lacerations and contrasts. A deep reflection on the theme of pain, on the world and on photography itself.

The magical realism of Pietro Paolini

A project in which contemporary vision and magical realism integrate admirably, making us glimpse hopes and contradictions of the three South American states – Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador – that the photographer has travelled extensively from 2008 to 2014.

The human body in contemporary photography

What idea has the XXI century of the body and how is it reflected in current photographic works? The curator Nathalie Herscdorfer collected in a book 360 sintense and emblematic images, synthesis of the many ways in which we love, hate or transform our outer shell. And she told us about it in an interview.