
Roger Ballen – The dark side of the mind

Roger Ballen’s photographs are not easily described with words. After all, the same author stated: “Photography has nothing to do with words. My job is to organize visual relationships. “And he warns slyly:” If my images make you uncomfortable, you should understand why. Maybe they touched something deep inside you. That is not my problem, but it could be your problem”.

Mathieu Asselin – “Monsanto: a photographic investigation”

The most effective story about this long history of social injustices and gruelling environmental struggles is the investigation by the Franco-Venezuelan photojournalist Mathieu Asselin with his Monsanto project. A photo investigation, tells the story of Monsanto that, from the beginning, has been known for the little transparency of its conduct, controversies with scientists and public opinion, investigations, cover-ups and scandals.

“Grüne Linie” – On the paths of the Resistance

Grüne Linie è il nome ufficiale della Linea Gotica, l’estrema difesa lungo l’Appennino tosco-emiliano dell’esercito tedesco in ritirata. Giancarlo Barzagli ci accompagna in un’esplorazione dei luoghi, dei reperti e dei volti di un territorio profondamente segnato dalle fase conclusive della Seconda Guerra Mondiale.

Paolo Pellegrin – Borders of humanity

Una mostra, pensata da Paolo Pellegrin appositamente per Pistoia, che si compone di una sessantina di immagini che si concentrano sulla difficoltà di convivenza, sui conflitti, sull’incapacità di alcune parti del mondo di trovare la pace.

Vivian Maier. Street photographer – A mystery in the mirror

A representative selection of over 120 images, in black and white and in colour that retraces the various aspects of the endless production by Vivian Maier, revealing the most intimate implications of a photographer, unknown up to 10 years ago, who today is a famous and beloved author.

Street view – The meta-photography by Michael Wolf

Street view – The meta-photography by Michael Wolf

In Street View – as in the other works of the macro-series “Life in cities” – there’s a striking conscious lightness with which Wolf frames very heavy themes, thanks to a deep awareness of the medium that leads him to undertake courageous and unconventional solutions. The taste for irony and the freedom to experiment are for Wolf the Socratic artifices towards a curious and irreverent exploration of new horizons of photography meant as a tool for reading the present

David McEnery – Humour, please!

The taste of the paradox, the sense of irony, the ability to grasp the unintentionally ridiculous situations of everyday life: the inimitable English humor, which invites a smile with a slight detachment, almost as if the absurd were part of normalcy. The English photographer David McEnery (1936-2002) has interpreted this spirit in a wonderful way, with a special grace: his photographs are masterpieces of irony, often of comedy. Some small gags for images.