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Human Rights
8 December 2018 - 22 June 2019

The history of the ONU (and the world) through some of the most beautiful images from the collection of the United Nations Photo Library. The exhibition celebrates the 70 anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which took place on December 10th, 1948. Sixty evocative images, both in black&white and color, retrace the events of the organization from its birth to the present day.
All the images come from the photographic archive of the United Nations and constitute a real heritage, able to tell the story through photography, capturing the most touching and dramatic moments of the human history. The young girl with her brother on her shoulders during the Korean War, a young Palestinian refugee in a shelter in Damasco, the warrior in front of the grave of his brother in arm in Mozambique, the Armenian grandmother armed in front of her home during the clashes for Nagorno -Karbakh: those are just some of the protagonists of conflicts and humanitarian emergencies that have made the history of the last seventy years.