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Guia Besana. Carry On.

11 March 2022 - 16 April 2022

From 11 March to 16 April 2022, STILL Photography in Milan hosts the exhibition by Guia Besana, entitled Carry on.

The exhibition, curated by Clelia Belgrade and Viana Conti, presents 15 photographs taken from her most recent project which, inspired by her fear of flying, turns towards universal themes, such as the impossible control of time and events.

Carry on, the title of which oscillates between the literal sense of hand luggage and the metaphorical sense of inner travel in which feelings of terror for flight are also crowded, was born from the vision of the Super8 films of the artist’s childhood, in particular the one in which is dragged by her mother across the runway and then onto the plane, which disappears into the sky.

His images fix moments like fragments of a film, halfway between fiction and reality. In these scenes we perceive two times: an extended time, in which the subjects are staged in reflexive or immobile situations, and a more hasty one in which they experience a state of anxiety or danger, leaving the viewer the freedom to interpret the story. .

The protagonist of the shots is a young woman; objects are scattered on the seats or on the floor of the plane, be it a handbag, a compact, a necklace. Alongside these, other elements appear, describing the tension of the passenger, such as cigarette butts collected in an ashtray or a puzzle with the tiles scattered on the carpet, which reveal a decidedly restless woman’s face.

“With his personal Carry On – says Viana Conti, in the essay published in the volume“ VisionQuest ”- Guia Besana, Canon Ambassador since 2016, returns on display, as in the tiles of a mosaic, the projections of a female imagination in flight. His world is that of staged photography, a world that lives in the artist’s mind and which, starting from the beginning of the mise en place of its components, progressively transforms the illusion of an artificial set into reality: into a work potentially capable of arousing emotions in the viewer.


11 March 2022
16 April 2022


Still Fotografia
Via Zamenhof, 11
Milano, Milano 20136 Italia
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+39 02 36744528

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