


Alla Spot Home Gallery di Napoli la mostra dal titolo “Turning Point” con fotografie di Michael Ackerman, Martin Bogren, Lorenzo Castore, Richard Park e Ander Petersen. Luca Sorbo ha intervistato Lorenzo Castore.

Richard Mosse – “Displaced”. On unreal documents

At MAST in Bologna an anthological exhibition by the Irish photographer, whose work tackles urgent social, geopolitical and environmental issues by subverting the narrative of conventional media through the use of technology, often of military derivation.

True Fictions – At the edge of reality

Staged photography, a genre that has revolutionized the language of photography since the 1980s, is at the heart of the exhibition now open again to the public in Reggio Emilia. Over one hundred works that, through staging, parallel realities, inventions inspired by cinema, show that pivotal moment that opened the doors of art to photography.

Carmelo Bongiorno – “Tagli”

In the Sicilian photographer’s latest work, collected in a book and displayed in an exhibition, the images tell us about lacerations and contrasts. A deep reflection on the theme of pain, on the world and on photography itself.