Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga e paralipomena, 1851

An issue that aims to reflect around the concept of “border”.
Can we see the limit not only as a line to not be crossed, but rather as a possibility?
Crossing over, venturing, in space and time, into a constant reinterpretation of the world we inhabit and the one we imagine.
A selection of authors and projects that make borders and margins the privileged horizon of their gaze;
with an incursion into the most painful current events, to bring our gaze back to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. 

Antonio Rovaldi – Il suono del becco del picchio

Walking as an aesthetic practice: the artist gives an intimate and poetic description of a city that manifests its most secret nature, echoing ancient civilizations. Rovaldi’s photographs tell of trees and open spaces, of objects abandoned on the ground, of immense uncultivated lawns, of concrete showing the signs of time, of fragments of torn paper, tar, brick walls, metal nets, and again signs, signs everywhere.

Borders of War: what did you see that we couldn’t?

Cosa hanno visto che noi non potremmo vedere? Ogni scatto e singola parola di Caimi&Piccinni, Simone Cargnoni, Francesco Faraci, Francesco Malavolta e Alessandro Penso appare come tassello di un puzzle di inenarrabile geografia, in cui confini, limiti, barriere e distanze assumono un valore nuovo insieme a una distorsione generata da processi storici che si abbattono su milioni di persone inermi.